About Me

Hey, I’m Andrew. A customer focused problem solver with a love for the product development process. I grew up in Winnipeg, MB with the parent-annoying habit of taking household items apart to see whats inside and how they worked (sometimes they could be rebuilt, sometimes not – those ones quickly disappeared). Having graduated from Mechanical Engineering Technology – Design (Honours) at George Brown College in Toronto, ON, I have an in depth understanding of how to put those items back together. Sometimes even repackaged into a brand new product, as well as some practical experience to go along with it .

Sneakers, to me, are an intriguing product  because of the amount of technologies and processes that go in to mass manufacturing a pair. From leather craft, to sewing, to die cutting, injection molding (in graded sizing), chemical engineering and new cushioning research,  and now, as IOT becomes more prevalent, smart integration. Upon realizing a connection between two of my major interests, it became a means of expressing my development and skills that could be applied to other product categories.

I love to make, fail, break, and create and try to do it with as much happiness as I can.

Lets make things together!